1. Home

  2. Trust news

    1. Industrial action
    2. Meet our staff
    3. Press office
    4. Our community newsletter
  3. Get involved

    1. Readers panel
    2. Croydon Stars Awards 2024
      1. Our sponsors
      2. Meet our previous winners
    3. Our Charity
      1. Little Breaths appeal
    4. Blood and organ donation
    5. Share Ideas and Receive Updates
  4. GP & health professionals

    1. UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative E-learning for GPs
    2. Important information for GPs
    3. Key contacts for GPs
    4. Specialty PODs (Points of Delivery teams)
    5. Electronic referrals (eRS)
    6. Protected Learning Time (GP CPD)
    7. GP education evenings
    8. Advice & Guidance for GPs
    9. GP news
    10. Booking patient transport
  5. Work with us

    1. Apprenticeships
    2. Quality Guide
    3. Why join us - A to Z
    4. Recruitment
      1. Health visiting roles
      2. Join us as a children's nurse in Croydon
      3. Our Emergency Department is recruiting!
      4. Could you be a Croydon nurse?
    5. Training and development
      1. E-learning for CRS Millennium
        1. E-learning for CRS Millennium (Phase 2)
        2. E-learning for Nurses
        3. E-learning for Doctors
      2. Library Services
      3. Clinical Skills and Simulation Training
      4. Post Graduate Medical Training
    6. Equality and diversity
      1. Equality and Diversity Policies and Practices 2012
    7. Contact the recruitment team
    8. Job Vacancies
    9. Temporary staffing
    10. Work experience
    11. Volunteer
  6. Contact us

  7. A to Z of services

  8. About us

    1. Five year strategy (2023-2028)
    2. Our five year objectives
    3. Our annual objectives (2024-25)
    4. Sustainability
    5. Anti-Racism Statement
      1. George Floyd Race Matters Pledge
    6. Freedom of Information disclosure log
    7. Partnership working
      1. Trust & NHS Croydon CCG partnership
      2. Healthwatch Croydon
      3. Why we need to work together
      4. One Croydon
      5. Croydon Urgent Care Alliance
      6. Croydon Best Start
    8. Safeguarding patients
      1. Safeguarding Adults
      2. safeguarding children and young people
    9. Trust Board
      1. Annual General Meeting 2023-24
      2. Board timetable and papers
      3. Trust Board members
    10. Our Vision and Values
    11. Freedom of Information
      1. CHS publication scheme
    12. Corporate publications
      1. Policies and procedures
        1. NHS provider licence
      2. Clinical Research Performance
      3. What we spend and how we spend it
      4. Operating Plan 2017-19
      5. Annual Reports
      6. Quality Accounts
      7. Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 2023 2025
        1. Introduction
        2. Our services
        3. Defining our patient safety incident profile
        4. Defining our patient safety improvement profile
        5. The trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
        6. The Trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan: locally pre-defined PSII (local priorities based on the risk profile)
        7. Our Patient Safety Incident Response Plan: Incidents that signify an Emergent or significant risks
        8. Our Patient Safety Incident response plan: Incidents that don’t fall into the outlined national or local PSII categories
        9. Roles & responsibilities: Governance & Oversight
    13. Website information
      1. Website accessibility information
      2. Website privacy policy
      3. List of Acronyms
    14. Care Quality Commission
    15. National Fraud Initiative Privacy Notice
  9. Patients and visitors

    1. Sickle cell - ACT NOW
    2. People’s Experience, Engagement and Involvement Strategy
    3. Supporting the armed forces community
    4. Health information for staff
    5. MyCare Croydon Health Services
      1. Patient Initiated Follow-Up
    6. Monkeypox
    7. Flu vaccinations - help keep Croydon safe
    8. Coronavirus
      1. Coronanvirus vaccinations
      2. Coronavirus - media
    9. For urgent and emergency care
    10. Our new Emergency Department
    11. GP hubs
    12. Our community sites
      1. Crystal Children's Development Centre
      2. Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre
      3. Other community sites
    13. Feedback surveys
      1. Friends and Family Test‎
    14. Visiting Croydon University Hospital
    15. Your stay at hospital
      1. Take-home medication bags
      2. Inpatient guide
      3. Outpatient guide
      4. Leaving hospital
      5. Privacy and dignity
      6. Food and nutrition
    16. Face Coverings
    17. Patient Experience and PALS
      1. Feedback form
      2. Friends and family test
        1. Maternity friends and family test
    18. Your appointments
      1. Purley Elective Centre
        1. Purley Elective Centre Checklist
        2. Arriving for your treatment at Purley Elective Centre
        3. After your treatment
        4. Preparing for your treatment
      2. Video consultations
      3. Croydon Elective Centre
        1. Find out how we're keeping you safe
        2. Preparing for your treatment at Croydon Elective Centre
        3. After your treatment at Croydon Elective Centre
        4. Arriving for your treatment at Croydon Elective Centre
    19. Our hospitals
      1. Purley War Memorial Hospital
        1. Community Diagnostic Centre - Purley
          1. Community Diagnostic Centres (CDC)
        2. Outpatients clinics at Purley War Memorial Hospital
        3. Other services - Purley War Memorial Hospital
      2. Croydon University Hospital
        1. New Emergency Department opens at CUH
        2. Visiting hours and ward information
        3. Shops and restaurants at CUH
        4. Coulsdon 1 - elective admission ward
        5. Free wi-fi
    20. Data protection and accessing your health record
      1. Data Protection Impact Assessments and Privacy by Design
      2. Using and protecting your information during Covid-19
    21. Support for patients, carers and visitors
      1. Macmillan Cancer Psychological Support (CaPS) Service
      2. Support for LGBTQ+ patients and allies
      3. Overseas patients
      4. Chaplaincy and spiritual care
      5. Support for carers
      6. Support for people with learning disabilities
      7. Translation and interpreting
      8. Bereavement services
      9. Mortuary services