Trust news
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GP & health professionals
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A to Z of services
About us
- Five year strategy (2023-2028)
- Our five year objectives
- Our annual objectives (2024-25)
- Sustainability
- Anti-Racism Statement
- Freedom of Information disclosure log
- Partnership working
- Safeguarding patients
- Trust Board
- Our Vision and Values
- Freedom of Information
- Corporate publications
- Policies and procedures
- Clinical Research Performance
- What we spend and how we spend it
- Operating Plan 2017-19
- Annual Reports
- Quality Accounts
- Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 2023 2025
- Introduction
- Our services
- Defining our patient safety incident profile
- Defining our patient safety improvement profile
- The trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
- The Trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan: locally pre-defined PSII (local priorities based on the risk profile)
- Our Patient Safety Incident Response Plan: Incidents that signify an Emergent or significant risks
- Our Patient Safety Incident response plan: Incidents that don’t fall into the outlined national or local PSII categories
- Roles & responsibilities: Governance & Oversight
- Website information
- Care Quality Commission
- National Fraud Initiative Privacy Notice
Patients and visitors
- Sickle cell - ACT NOW
- People’s Experience, Engagement and Involvement Strategy
- Supporting the armed forces community
- Health information for staff
- MyCare Croydon Health Services
- Monkeypox
- Flu vaccinations - help keep Croydon safe
- Coronavirus
- For urgent and emergency care
- Our new Emergency Department
- GP hubs
- Our community sites
- Feedback surveys
- Visiting Croydon University Hospital
- Your stay at hospital
- Face Coverings
- Patient Experience and PALS
- Your appointments
- Our hospitals
- Data protection and accessing your health record
- Support for patients, carers and visitors