Policies and procedures
The Trust aims to be as open as possible by providing access to internal instructions, manuals and guidelines for dealing with all aspects of the business of running the Trust if it helps the public to understand how decisions are made.
However, this would not include information that might damage the operation of the Trust for example details of security systems.
Some of our policies can be viewed below.
If you would like to see any other policies, please e-mail ch-tr.foi@nhs.uk . Most of these documents are available electronically free of charge.
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy.pdf 82KB
Attitude Behaviour and Communication Policy.pdf 176KB
Being Open Board Declaration.pdf 75KB
Change Management Policy.pdf 229KB
Communications Policy.pdf 332KB
Criminal Records Bureau Policy.pdf 164KB
Dignity at Work Policy.pdf 366KB
Elective Patient Access Policy.pdf 599KB
Conflicts of Interests, Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship Policy.pdf [pdf] 577KB
Health and Safety Policy v2 Jun 11.pdf [pdf] 127KB
Mortality Review Process Policy.pdf 1MB
MRSA Prevention and Control Policy.pdf [pdf] 488KB
NHS Constitution-interactive version.pdf 2MB
Patient Information Production Policy.pdf [pdf] 937KB
Research and Development Operational Capability Statement 2013.pdf 198KB
Statement of common purpose.pdf 77KB
SFIs 22-23 Final version.docx [docx] 320KB