Improving care for people living with dementia | Trust news

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Improving care for people living with dementia

From the Croydon Council website:

Croydon has made a firm commitment to deliver better care and support to people living with dementia, and their carers, to lead full and active lives.

Croydon’s new Dementia Strategic Plan clearly outlines how the borough will fulfil the pledges made to achieve its Dementia Friendly status, which was regained in May this year. The accolade was awarded to Croydon by the Alzheimer’s Society, the UK’s leading dementia charity. You can read the Dementia Strategic Plan here.

The plan has been developed by Croydon’s Dementia Action Alliance, which includes Croydon Council, Age UK Croydon, local health and social care services, emergency services, the voluntary sector and more.

They work in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society and people affected by dementia to make the borough more inclusive for over 3,500 people estimated to be living with the condition. This includes Age UK Croydon’s Memory Tree Café, which offers a range of interactive social activities, information, and advice to prevent those affected by the condition feeling isolated from their community.

The Dementia Plan is also a top priority in Executive Mayor of Croydon Jason Perry’s business plan to support residents to lead healthier and independent lives for longer.

There are five key themes in the plan demonstrating how this commitment to people living with dementia, their families and carers will be actioned:

  1. Preventing Well – supporting people to look after their health and wellbeing to reduce the risk of dementia
  2. Diagnosing Well – delivering a dementia diagnosis in a timely and compassionate way
  3. Living Well – helping people come to terms with their diagnosis and manage their condition
  4. Supporting Well – helping people to live as well as possible with dementia in safe and accepting communities
  5. Ending Life Well – ensuring those with the condition are able to die with dignity in the place of their choosing.

The Dementia Action Alliance and the Croydon Dementia Steering Group, senior representatives from commissioning and provider organisations, will monitor the progress of the plan.

The Alzheimer Society’s Singing for the Brain group in Croydon is another great local initiative helping people with the condition meet new people in a friendly, fun and social environment. You don’t need to be a good singer to benefit – participating can improve brain activity, wellbeing and mood Watch  Peter Edwards, Tom and Lyn Jones speak about their positive experience of taking part.

People can also sign up to become a Dementia Friend and learn more about the condition and how to better support those who are affected. Visit the Alzheimer’s Society website for more information.

“I am delighted to launch this Dementia Strategic Plan in partnership with Croydon’s Dementia Action Alliance. It is one of my top priorities for the borough to ensure that people are supported to lead healthier and independent lives for longer. The fabulous work of the Alliance will achieve this by delivering the actions in this important plan for local people to tackle inequality and to make sure no one is left behind.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon

Susan Underhill, Programmes Director at Age UK Croydon, said: “The Dementia Strategic Plan is a huge step forward in meeting the needs of people living with dementia, and their family and carers. We have listened to them, and we are grateful for their contributions to help us to achieve our ambition to be a Dementia Friendly borough. Croydon’s Dementia Action Alliance is committed to ensuring we are an inclusive and welcoming borough, and we are excited to deliver our commitments in this plan.”


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