Croydon’s new intensive care unit reaches final stages | Trust news

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Croydon’s new intensive care unit reaches final stages

Ahead of its completion in early December, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust Chief Executive, Matthew Kershaw, visited the site of the Trust’s £15 million new intensive care unit (ITU).

Providing care for the borough’s most seriously ill and injured patients, this state of the art unit housed within Croydon University Hospital will allow clinical teams to provide intensive and high dependency care for even more patients, closer to home, whilst offering improved facilities to support families during some of the most difficult times in their lives. 

Visiting the unit, the Trust’s CEO and Place-Based Leader for Health said: 

“It’s fantastic to see the progress that is being made on our new intensive care unit, which will be open just in time for winter. It truly is a state of the art facility and will undoubtedly continue to improve the care we are able to provide to our most seriously ill patients. 

The new unit will provide greater privacy and dignity for our patients, with private rooms, spacious bays and quiet, reflective areas for relatives and friends, and with space to expand in the future, we are truly building this with our ever-growing Croydon population in mind.

“Our ITU staff are already gearing themselves up to move into the new unit, undergoing training on new and innovative technology and ensuring we have everything we need in place to deliver the best possible specialist care for Croydon patients. 

“I’m incredibly proud to see this come together, being able to provide a more spacious unit will positively impact our patients, their families and our staff, I look forward to formally opening the unit in due course.” 

The refurbishment, which was approved in 2021 thanks to Government funding, will increase the size of the existing unit by half, allowing us to increase our future capacity for additional intensive care and high dependency beds to care for patients receiving life-saving care. 

The rebuild also allowed the Trust to improve hospital facilities for stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation and care close to the unit and this is the latest in a long list of extensive redevelopments in Croydon University Hospital over the last five years; including a £21 million Emergency Department opened in 2018 and a £7 million paediatric integrated unit, that opened its doors in 2021. 


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