The Shirley, Waddon & South Team

The Shirley, Waddon and South team of midwives support women who have traditional community based midwifery care and have a planned birth centre or hospital birth but have their antenatal and postnatal care provided at their local community hub.


Get in touch

You can contact each team with questions and appointment bookings via the below contacts:


Shirley midwives - or call 07976704027


Waddon midwives - or call 07976704127


Purley and New Addington midwives (south midwives) - or call 07976 704 097

The Rainbow team

The team provide care for women who live in Crystal palace, Thornton heath and Bensham manor.rainbow team logo

We provide continuity of care to some of our most vulnerable clients of the borough during the antenatal , intrapartum and postnatal period. We have the pleasure of working on the birth centre and labour ward to provide care for our clientele.

Meet your Midwives


Get in Touch

You can contact the team with questions about your appointment bookings on:


Telephone: 07442814444