​​​​​​​Four new Non-Executive appointments to Croydon Health Services’ Trust Board | Trust news

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​​​​​​​Four new Non-Executive appointments to Croydon Health Services’ Trust Board

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust is pleased to welcome four new members to its Trust Board, bringing a wealth of additional experience to lead and support the borough’s health system.

Sola Afuape MBE, Saurabh Das and Anil Patil will each join the Trust as Non-Executive Directors for a two-year period, following the appointment of its chair in January 2023.  They will be joined by Rona Nicholson, as Associate Non-Executive Director.

Sola Afuape brings 15 years Board leadership experience from a number of Non-Executive Director, lay advisory and Trustee roles in health and social care and across the wider public sector. She is currently a Non-Executive Director at South West London & St George's Mental Health Trust, and chairs the Anti-Racist Strategy and Implementation group for South West London ICS. She is also a National Professional Advisor for the Care Quality Commission and independent chair responsible for safeguarding and health inequalities within two local authorities.

Saurabh Das is a Chartered Accountant with more than twenty years’ experience in providing board-level strategic finance and governance advice. He is currently a Principal at Avison Young, a global commercial real estate advisory company and a Trustee at Primary Science Teaching Trust. Previously, Saurabh held senior finance and commercial roles in the public and private and sectors, including at the Cabinet Office and Department of Health.

Anil Patil is a former barrister and entrepreneur, and an active volunteer carer in different charities. Anil sits on the Boards of a local authority owned special educational needs and disability (SEND) school; a local authority owned social care company; and a health and social care social enterprise serving a population of over one million. He has a particular interest in ensuring equitable access to health care services and reducing health inequalities amongst the most disadvantaged in our community.

Rona Nicholson has had a significant career in the social housing sector undertaking a range of executive leadership roles. As Deputy CEO at Hanover Housing Association and as Executive Director of Governance and Compliance at Anchor Hanover Housing Association, she gained specific expertise in supporting an older population. Rona has previously been a Non-Executive Director in Lewisham and South East London PCTs, as well as chair of the Equality and Diversity Board Advisory Group of the Homes and Communities Agency, holding the main Board to account in meeting its public sector equality duties.

Full biographies for all Trust Board members can be found here.

Welcoming the new members of the Board, Chair of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust Yemisi Gibbons said:

“I'm delighted that Sola, Saurabh, Anil and Rona have joined Croydon’s Trust Board, at such a pivotal time. I know we will benefit significantly from their knowledge and experience, as we oversee the delivery of the Trust’s new clinical strategy and its renewed commitment to tackling health inequalities, whilst maintaining a high quality, accessible and financially secure health system for Croydon.”

Trust Chief Executive and Place-Based Leader for Health, Matthew Kershaw added:

“As well as a wealth of experience, Non-Executive Directors bring with them fresh ideas, robust challenge and oversight, whilst providing diverse and compassionate leadership – all qualities we value highly in Croydon and across t  he NHS.

“I look forward to working with our new Trust Board members as we continue to our ambitions to provide the best possible care to Croydon residents, keeping them healthier for longer and caring for them when they need us most.



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