Stock up and stay well this Christmas bank holiday | Trust news

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Stock up and stay well this Christmas bank holiday

Ahead of the Christmas and New Year bank holiday weekends, Croydon’s NHS is calling for local people to prepare their prescriptions – as well as their turkey -  in advance of the festive break and to take precautions to stay healthy while enjoying the holidays.

With some GPs and pharmacies closed or working reduced hours, it’s vital that people living in Croydon remember to order or collect any repeat prescriptions in advance.

A list of pharmacies that are open over the bank holiday weekends can be found here. The regularly updated NHS Find a Pharmacy site also provides updates of the opening hours for local pharmacies.

Elaine Clancy, Croydon’s joint Chief Nurse said:

“As well as stocking up on your usual festive essentials, don’t forget to order and collect any repeat prescriptions early and ensure you have enough medication to last the long weekends, and ensure those you care for, such as elderly relatives, or those who might be visiting for the long weekend, do the same.

“By planning in advance, you will be protecting yourself and reducing pressures on emergency services.”

And for those unexpected illnesses and injuries, clinicians are advising local people to use the NHS 111 online service to seek the most suitable support for non-life threatening conditions, before making a visit to the Emergency Department.

Elaine continued:

“NHS staff across the borough will continue to deliver care to those who need it over Christmas and New Year, but along with an already busy winter, we anticipate emergency services to be busier than usual.

“Our emergency care teams will be there for those who need us but we would encourage anyone with a less serious or non-emergency health condition to contact their GP practice or use the NHS 111 online service for quick support and information.”


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