Listening to our inpatients’ experiences of care | Trust news

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Listening to our inpatients’ experiences of care

Adult Inpatient Survey

Every year the Adult Inpatient Survey takes place across the country, asking NHS patients who stay overnight about their experience of care.
If you stay in our hospital during October and November, you may receive the Survey early next year.
All inpatients here will receive information about it from our ward staff – including having the option to opt-out of the survey if they prefer. Taking part is voluntary and all answers are confidential. 
It is a great opportunity to give feedback and help us continue improving our care, and each year our teams work together and in local partnerships to act on your feedback.
If you are an inpatient in October or November and would like to find out more, or opt-out, please speak to a member of our Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 020 8401 3210. If you would like to complete the survey in a different language, please call the Freephone number 0808 801 0678 to speak to an interpreter who can help you.


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