Health tips for residents during freezing temperatures | Trust news

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Health tips for residents during freezing temperatures

Residents advised to look after neighbours and themselves during freezing temperatures this week

With the temperatures taking a dip this week, Croydon’s Medical Director is asking residents to take steps to look after themselves and check in on their neighbours during the cold weather.

Croydon residents can also take some simple precautions to keep themselves safe and healthy this winter including:

·       Wearing warm clothing and dress in layers

·       Wearing sturdy footwear to reduce the risk of slipping on ice

·       Protecting themselves from winter illnesses by getting their COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. Find a local walk-in vaccination site at

Local people are also being encouraged to keep in touch with their elderly friends, neighbours and family and ask them if they need any practical help, or if they're feeling unwell.

Older people and those with existing long term health conditions are particularly vulnerable during cold weather and making sure they're stocked up with enough food supplies, checking their heating is working and ensuring they’re wearing enough warm clothing will all help to keep them safe this winter.

Croydon Council have also created a directory of Warm Spaces in Croydon.

These are heated, safe and friendly locations in the borough that you can visit for free to keep warm.

Subhro Banerjee, Medical Director and Consultant in Emergency Medicine from Croydon Health Services NHS Trust commented:

“Winter is always a busy time for the NHS, but freezing temperatures can result in more people needing to visit hospital.

 “Taking precautions can help to avoid any winter illnesses as well as slips, trips and falls. Looking after yourselves and those around you can often prevent accidents before they happen, avoiding the need to visit A&E.”

More advice on keeping safe during the winter can be found here Seasonal vaccinations and winter health - NHS (


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