Get to know last year's 'Star of the Year' winner | Trust news

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Get to know last year's 'Star of the Year' winner

In a moment of crisis, Latoya, an Occupational Therapist Technician working out in the community, displayed extraordinary courage and quick thinking, leading to her recognition as the Croydon Stars' Star of the Year. Her story is a testament to the exceptional dedication of our staff at the Trust.

During a routine visit to a patient's home, Latoya found herself in an unexpected situation when the patient suddenly stopped breathing. Without hesitation, she performed life-saving resuscitation while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Thanks to her prompt action, the patient's life was saved.

Latoya's bravery and skilled response earned her the public's vote for the prestigious Star of the Year award. Her inspiring story is a shining example of the high quality care provided by our teams every day.

We invite members of the public to nominate other outstanding staff members for this year's Croydon Stars awards. If you know someone who deserves recognition for their dedication and excellence, please consider nominating them. Your support can help shine a light on the unsung heroes who make a difference in our community, so nominate your Star of the Year here today.

For more information on how to nominate a staff member, visit our website or contact the Trust's communications team. Let's celebrate our remarkable staff together!

Watch the full video to hear from Latoya here.


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