Former pharmacist appointed Chair of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust | Trust news

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Former pharmacist appointed Chair of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of Yemisi Gibbons as its new Chair, taking up the role from 1 January 2023.

As a pharmacist, Yemisi brings with her over 20 years’ of NHS experience and a passion for ensuring clinical excellence for all patients.

Her appointment as Chair follows terms as a Non-Executive Director at both Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) where she has helped create and embed a patient safety culture, championed and advocated diversity and compassionate leadership in each Trust and created opportunities for both organisations to share best practice and work in collaboration.

In addition to her wide-ranging roles within the NHS, Yemisi is also Chair of a London-based domiciliary care company, bringing expert knowledge from her time in the independent sector.

Yemisi also sits on the Fitness to Practice committee of the General Pharmaceutical Council and previously served as a member of the Lord Chancellor’s advisory sub-committee for Central London.

Speaking of her appointment, Yemisi said:

“It is an honour and a privilege to be joining Croydon Health Services NHS Trust as Chair. I am looking forward to leading the organisation in the next phase of its integration journey both at place and across the South West London ICS for the benefit of staff, patients and the communities we serve.

“I am eager to start working with the amazing staff, volunteers and partners – both inside and outside the NHS – to collectively improve the lives of those who live and work in Croydon.

“I would like to thank Mike Bell for his excellent stewardship of the Trust over the past ten years.”

Trust Chief Executive and Place-Based Leader for Health, Matthew Kershaw said:

“We are delighted to welcome Yemisi as Chair here in Croydon. As well as decades of NHS experience, during which time she has developed significant and wide-ranging experience within all sectors of healthcare, Yemisi’s insight into the challenges facing the social care sector brings a new perspective to Croydon as we continue in our ambitions to join up health and care and improve support for local residents.

“I look forward to working with her, and the rest of our Trust Board, as we continue in our mission to provide excellent care for all, tackling the challenges of increasing demand and elective care backlogs and supporting our hard-working NHS staff, whilst also leading the way to reduce health inequalities and improve access to healthcare across our communities, supporting local people to start well, live well and age well.”

Andrew Ridley, Regional Director for the NHS in London, said: “Yemisi will bring invaluable experience to the role of Chair at Croydon Health Services and I’d like to congratulate her on this appointment.” 

Yemisi will join the Trust for an initial three-year period, taking up the position as successor to current Chairman Mike Bell who sees his ten year tenure come to an end in December 2022.



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