Emergency Department now open | Trust news

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Emergency Department now open

Our Emergency Department at Croydon University Hospital has now reopened

UPDATE: 6 March, 1.30pm

We’re pleased to confirm that our Emergency Department is once again fully re-open open following yesterday’s fire that caused damage to a patient cubicle, with smoke and soot affecting many other areas of the Department.

Our teams internally supported by colleagues elsewhere in South West London have worked throughout the night to throughly clean and repair the affected areas and we were able to safely reopen our doors to the public earlier today to resume full patient care services as normal.  

We would like to thank our patients and local community for all their messages of support and cooperation at this time.


Our Emergency department is currently closed due to a fire incident. All other services at the hospital remain open, including scheduled surgery and outpatient clincis.

Please see the latest information below. We will keep this page update to keep you informed.
Update: 5 March, 18:30

We are happy to confirm that all of our patients and staff are safe, and the fire is out. However, due to the damage caused, our Emergency Department will remain closed temporarily.

Our staff and the London Fire Brigade responded quickly to the alarm, which was raised at 14:58. A total of 80 patients were safely evacuated from the Emergency Department to continue their care in other parts of the hospital, and we have discharged those patients who are well enough to go home.

Whilst we work to assess and repair the damage, we would urge anyone in our local community who needs urgent and emergency care to contact NHS 111 for advice and to be directed to the nearest services available to them.

Further updates will be issued in due course.


Update: 6 March, 01:20

We are pleased to confirm that the fire in the Emergency Department at Croydon University Hospital on 5 March was quickly put out and contained to only one clinic room.

Once again, we would like to thank the London Fire Brigade for their fast response who, along with our staff, helped to ensure that all of our patients and staff stayed safe and no one was harmed.

Our Emergency Department will remain closed whilst extensive cleaning and safety repairs are made, however we hope to open again as early as possible on 6 March, and will provide further updates as soon as they are available.

All of our other services at the hospital will continue to run, including scheduled surgery and outpatient clinics. Our patients are encourage to attend their appointments as planned.

Call 111

Feel unwell and need help?

Local residents needing urgent and emergency care are encouraged to contact 111.nhs.uk for advice. Trained health advisors at NHS111 can direct you to the nearest appropriate services and make booked appointments if needed. If you feel unwell but it’s not an emergency, help is also available at your local GP or pharmacist.

For 24/7 access to a range of NHS services all in one place, download the NHSApp now

For more information on all of the care available in Croydon, including 24/7 mental health support, please see our 'know where to go' leaflet or scan this code.  Thank you.

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