Bluewater Private Equity rallies behind ‘Little Breaths’ to bring life-saving support to Croydon University Hospital | Trust news

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Bluewater Private Equity rallies behind ‘Little Breaths’ to bring life-saving support to Croydon University Hospital

A little boy who received life-saving support at Croydon University Hospital has inspired the Bluewater Private Equity company to rally behind a fundraising appeal for additional medical equipment to help save more lives.

Mason Mole (6) was hospitalised after falling critically ill in 2019 with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) which caused his lungs to collapse.

Mason and his family launched Croydon Health Charity’s ‘Little Breaths’ appeal in July 2023 which has raised over £27,000 to fund two additional children’s ventilators for Croydon University Hospital.

Mason’s story inspired Bluewater Private Equity (PE) in London to pledge £10,000 in match funding to help Little Breaths achieve its £46,000 target and enable the charity to purchase additional ventilators.  

Frazer Blyth, Marketing and Investment Relations Director, said:

“Philanthropy & community are an integral part of the culture at Bluewater PE and we aim to support charitable organisations and appeals that have a personal connection with members of our team. We are delighted to be supporting Croydon Health Charity’s ‘Little Breaths’ appeal to help purchase new life-saving ventilators. We hope that our support will help to inspire the community to donate and support critically ill children in Croydon.”

Mason and his family officially unveiled the first ventilator today, bought by ‘Little Breaths’ supporters after the first fundraising appeal in the summer. 

  ventilator   ventilator and Mason Mason

Sarah Mclaggan, Head of Nursing for Children’s Service said

“We’re grateful to Little Breaths supporters who have donated towards our new ventilator. This additional medical device will provide life-saving support to the critically ill children receiving care in the Paediatric Emergency Department.

“We hope that Bluewater PE’s generous match funding will help to buy the second ventilator for the Rainbow Children’s Unit, which will be vital as we enter the winter months.” 

If you would like to show your support and match the fund, donations can be made here .


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