Find out more about our Health Visitors

Health visitors are Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, (SCPHN) registered midwives or nurses. They specialise in working with families with children aged 0-5 to identify health needs as early as possible, improve health and wellbeing and prevent ill health and reducing inequalities.

This universal service offered to every family includes mandated contacts as part of the Healthy Child Programme.

You can find out more about the work our Health Visitors do in the tabs below. To go back to the previous page, click here.

Antenatal visits

Health Visitors work in partnership with midwives and can visit after the 28th week of pregnancy.

We can advise and support on:

  • Keeping you and your baby safe
  • Information about diet, vitamin supplements
  • Smoking cessation,
  • Maternal mental health,  
  • Baby’s sleeping position.
  • Information relating to your feeding choice
  • Any immediate concerns
  • This gives you and your partner the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy, health and wellbeing. Further discussion about your baby and future plan following the birth

New birth review

Following your baby’s birth, the Health visitor will arrange a Face to face visit within 10- 14 days in your own home.

We can advise and support on:

  • Support with your feeding choices
  • Safe sleep
  • Screening and National Immunisation Schedule
  • Health and Wellbeing of the family
  • Mental Health
  • Local support services
  • Any immediate concerns

6-8 weeks review

6-8 weeks following your baby’s birth, the Health visitor will see you at Face to face visit.

This contact will include:

  • Addressing your immediate concerns
  • Support with your feeding choices
  • Safe sleep
  • Screening and National Immunisation Schedule
  • Health and Wellbeing of the family
  • Local support services
  • Focus on Maternal Wellbeing
  • Highlight 6-8 week medical review

9-12 Month Review

9-12 months of your baby’s age, your baby will have their first Health Review.  A member of the Health Visiting Team will complete this.

The review will include:

  • Addressing any immediate concerns
  • 'Ages and Stages' questionnaire, to help understand the progress of your baby’s development
  • Assess growth
  • Support and advice the importance of all health lifestyles, healthy eating and healthy sleep practices,
  • Review Immunisations schedule
  • Sign post to local Play and communication activities.
  • Assess maternal wellbeing and additional support required
  • Health and Wellbeing of the family

2-2.5 Year Health Review

2-2.5 years of your child’s age, they will have their second Health Review.  A member of the Health Visiting Team will complete this.

The review will include:

  • Addressing any immediate concerns
  • 'Ages and Stages' questionnaire, to help understand the progress of your baby’s development
  • Assess growth
  • Assess communication skills including play and reading activities.
  • Support and advice with Potty training.
  • Support and advice with behaviour.
  • Support and advice with sleep.
  • Importance of Dental health.
  • Review Immunisations schedule
  • Sign post to local Nurseries or Early Years Setting
  • Health and Wellbeing of the family
  • Assess maternal wellbeing and additional support required.

Chat health and contact us

1. Chat Health   - You can text your NHS Health Visiting Service on 07507 334150. This provides a texting service for parents and carers, giving advice and support with children’s physical and emotional health.

This is an easy way for parents and carers with children aged 0-4 to ask for help about a range of issues.

The Croydon Health Visiting team will respond to texts within one working day. The service will be available from Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, excluding bank holidays. During out–of–hours, anyone who texts the service will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if their question is urgent.

Messages are charged at your usual rates - for further information you can view the ChatHealth Flyer.

2. Duty Telephone system : 0208 274 6006 – Option 1 - for the Health Visiting Team Duty Line, Monday to Friday 9.15am – 4.30pm (closes for lunch from 12.30-1.30pm) excluding bank holidays, -Option 2 -for the Health Visiting Admin Team.

3. Booking Appointments via Admin Hub : You can speak to a member of the Administration Team to book your child’s health review on 0208 274 6442.

This service operates Monday — Friday, 9am-5pm.