Our appeal for additional ventilators to save young lives in Croydon

Up to 70 children are admitted to Croydon University Hospital every year requiring mechanical ventilation to help them breathe for conditions such as sepsis and heart failure. The Trust has also seen an increase in the number of children admitted with respiratory problems in the past two years (2020-2022), including COVID-19, flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus infection (RSV). Croydon also has one of the highest rates for children needing hospital care for asthma of any borough in London.
To help NHS staff respond to this growing need, we have launched the “Little Breaths” appeal to fund two more ventilators for Croydon Health Services that can be used to rapidly transport children who are unable to breathe on their own get oxygen and air into the lungs as part of their care or onward treatment at a specialist hospital.
Donations to the ‘Little Breaths’ appeal will help to fund two additional ventilators to provide life-saving treatment for the sickest children in Croydon, from very small babies to young people aged up to 16-year-olds. For more information on this appeal, read the full story on the Croydon Health Charity webiste.
Donations can be made via Just Giving or by contacting Laura Kennedy, Head of Fundraising, laura.kennedy8@nhs.net.
Our charity continually supports the care and wellbeing of patients and healthcare staff at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust by funding additional equipment, resources and training. Previous appeals have included raising £150,000 to fund improved family facilities, relaxations rooms, playspaces and playgrounds within a dedicated new children’s care unit at Croydon University Hospital.