Find out more - Family Nurse Partnership

Who we are

Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is for first time parents aged 19yrs and under or 24yrs if a care leaver.  Young mothers-to-be are paired with a specially trained family nurse who visits them regularly, from early pregnancy until their child is aged between one and two.

What we offer

Take a look at our Healthy child programme to find out what we are about. Find out more in the drop-downs below. To go back to the Public Health Nursing page, click here.

How the programme works

Family nurses use FNP programme materials and methods to enable young mothers (and fathers) to achieve three main aims:

  • To improve their pregnancy outcomes, so that their baby has the best start in life.
  • To improve their child’s health and development by developing their parenting knowledge and skills.
  • To improve parents’ economic self-sufficiency, by helping them to achieve their aspirations (such as employment or returning to education).

    Information on the program including how it works, please click the link below.

    The Family Nurse Partnership | (

Programme materials

Information on the program including how it works, please click the link below.

The Family Nurse Partnership | (

Family nurses use FNP programme materials and methods to enable young mothers (and fathers) to achieve three main aims:

  • To improve their pregnancy outcomes, so that their baby has the best start in life.
  • To improve their child’s health and development by developing their parenting knowledge and skills.
  • To improve parents’ economic self-sufficiency, by helping them to achieve their aspirations (such as employment or returning to education).

Contact us

  1. Telephone us: 020 8274 6303
  2. Email:

This service operates Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, excluding bank holidays. During out–of–hours, anyone who texts the service will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if their question is urgent.